Initial program structure

Here’s a brief overview of the initial structure of each project that was created. This section will illuminate how a C# program is structured in the context of a Web API

Web API Project

A Web API project is a C# program that is pre-packaged with a few frameworks that enable Web features.

Directory structure for a webapi project:

    - bin/ (git ignored directory)
    - obj/ (git ignored directory)
    - Properties/
      - launchSettings.json
    - appsettings.Development.json
    - appsettings.json
    - [Project].csproj
    - Program.cs
    - Startup.cs
  1. bin/ and obj/ directories are compiled object and binary directories. These should be ignored by Git
  2. Properties/launchSettings.json is a launch descriptor file for each debug profile. When you run dotnet run --project [project-path], you can specify a specific profile to run in, and each profile can have its own environment variables. By default, the run command executes the profile with the name of the project, but you can specify your own.
  3. appsettings.json and appsettings.Development.json are project environment settings used to store environment variables for the application. Analogous in Spring Boot/Java are application.yml files. The convention for each file is appsettings.<environment-name>.json, where is a built-in environment in .NET Core. Development and Production are built-in, but you can create your own by injecting ASPNETCORE_Environment variable into the runtime, via profiles in launchSettings.json, or within your system environment (e.g. export ASPNETCORE_Environment=Acceptance)
  4. appsettings.json is a universal application settings file. All environment variables defined here will apply to all environments. Add environment variables that are universal across all environments.
  5. Program.cs is the main entry point of the application which contains the main function. Every C# deployable project as a main method.
  6. Startup.cs is the main service and configuration definition file. This is where the Dependency Injection container is managed. The class within the file is read by the internal web host managed by .NET Core.

xUnit Project

Directory structure for an xunit project:

[xUnit Project]
    - bin/ (git ignored directory)
    - obj/ (git ignored directory)
    - [xUnit Project].Tests.csproj

xUnit projects are empty .NET Core projects that come packaged with xUnit framework and test runner.